Saturday, January 14, 2012

Back to my new home...

Second semester has started full on, bringing lots of new things with it. I am now teaching a middle school math class which I am really excited about, I am moving with my housemates to a new place because the people whose house we are living at now are coming back from furlough in a week, and I get to start directing my first real musical, Godspell, that will be performed at the end of March! J
Here are a couple of pictures from my Christmas concert.  It turned out really well, I was so proud of my kids!

Time is such a strange thing—being back here in Cambodia now it feels like I never even left, like things are just continuing, but I know better than that.  And when I was back in the States with my friends and family, it also felt like I was just continuing my life from before…like no time had passed but it had!  But I am thankful that distance and time passing doesn’t seem to matter so much anymore in continuing relationships.
Over Christmas break I got to go to Iowa to be a part of my friend Joy’s wedding,
I got to see friends who are living all over the world,
and to see family,
I got to see my little brother get married to now Meagan Lingenhoel :) ,

and just spend time with the people I love.

Just to catch you up a bit on life… J As I am getting back into routines and trying to keep the momentum from last semester, I would appreciate your prayers for transitions happening among staff and students at school and for the process of starting Godspell- I am really excited for the product and for what God will do in these kids' lives through being involved in this show, but also a little nervous. J

1 comment:

  1. Love the picture you choose for the wedding. :) Just had lunch and coffee with your mom - she's a happy lady, and very proud of you!
